Something unfailingly draws one’s interest within the old portions of Aberdeen, Washington, where the Chehalis and Wishkah Rivers confluence, the tops of cutoff piles from previous piers and buildings exposed at low tide, a hint to the long-ago heyday of the town. What did those piles support and what did they serve? What stories they could tell, if such stories were available to be heard?
Aberdeen has the beauty inherent to the Pacific Northwest, the moody, overcast, rainy days the region is known for. Her old-town alleyways exhibit both lonely desolation and occasional gestures of beauty. One could almost decipher the whispered stories through blowing trash and graffiti-filled walls of boarded up abandoned buildings, broken windows allowing diffused light to penetrate the shards of glass, a partial glimpse into spaces whose glorious history is now long past.
A Glimpse of the Past covers a nearly five-year window into Aberdeen’s recent past, depicting a sprinkling of the scenes witnessed during walking sojourns through older portions of town (to read more about the collection click here).
A Shell of History
The shuttered Seafood Market, once a thriving purveyor of the ocean's bounties, now stands vacant and abandoned, a modern day sentinel over the river and area it once served, 2021.
A Glimpse of the Past
The day over, sky beginning to darken, alleyway denizens on the prowl for food or other things for the evening, and a lone alleyway puddle reflects the overhead utility lines, something likely taken for granted by the houseless.
A Graffiti Artist's Dream
Boarded up and abandoned, this building must have seemed like a dream to passing Graffiti artists, presenting a permanent palette for their artistic endeavors, old town Aberdeen, 2021.
Garish red and yellow lights warn approaching river borne vessels to be sharp and sail away from immovable objects, echoing the colors and dangers of the long ago past, Aberdeen waterfront, 2020.
Blue Hour Awaits
Calm waters of the Chehalis River empty into Grays Harbor during a memorable sunset, 2022.
Boxing Memories
No longer at this location, the Aberdeen Boxing Club has taken its trainees to another venue, carrying on the tradition of their ancestors elsewhere, 2021.
Bridging Reflections
Early morning light illuminates and reflects the warm and soothing colors of the bridge as it crosses over the Chehalis River.
College of Beauty
A book should not be judged by its cover; likewise, it is hoped that the resources this Beauty College did not expend on its exterior were instead spent teaching its students to spend on the exterior of their charges, 2021.
Dog’s Lives Matter Too
The forlorn countenance signals this animal’s wishes to be given family and home to love. Something so simple yet not always available.
First responders have arrived to address an apparent emergency in progress, while local houseless denizens await the news. Did one of their friends experience a medical event, or, some other form of distress requiring intervention?
Emerging From the Mist
A long abandoned waterfront warehouse watches over the Wishkah River near its confluence with the Chehalis River, 2020.
Feeling Blue
Through ponding reflections of an early evening storm, a Tattoo Parlor advertises its services to adventuresome clientèle, 2022.
Floating Pilings
Spindly piles, remnants from a pier or waterfront building from a bygone time, appear to float in the water, or, the air, depending on one's perspective, purpose long since forgotten, usefulness swirling away with the receding waters of the Chehalis River, 2024.
Gathering Place
Whether the name is a literal or figurative representation of this local watering hole, The Shanty beckons those who wish to whet their appetites or to drown their sorrows among old and new friends.
Headstones From the Past
Haphazardly placed, these cutoff piles resemble headstones; a surprisingly apt metaphor, their function long gone and relegated to the past. Now, their story is to remind those of what once was, and, in the future.
Hometown Icon from the Past
Gazing at passersby, this likeness of Kurt Cobain forlornly reminds others of the uncertainties of life, of the internal struggles some confront, that sometime the conclusion is not always what we expect or desire.
Keep the Door Locked
An unsuspecting person with short attention span would surely have an abrupt journey if this alleyway 'access' portal was inadvertently used, 2023.
Orange Light District
Intermittent orange light garishly illuminates this seemingly abandoned alleyway, not foretelling what lies around the corner, 2021.
Soft overhead safety lighting illuminates this lonely alleyway, highlighting the rich colors of the old brick building, casting a soft glow upon what may be hiding behind prying eyes within. 2021.
The Corridor
Originally a shortcut between points, now seemingly a shallow series of ponds for misguided frogs and fanciful first time fisherman, what will be caught? 2021.