Standing near the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in the Mojave National Preserve, I first saw, then felt and heard the approaching behemoth of a miles long freight train, its destination unknown, presence as imposing as if a series of dinosaurs were instead playing follow the leader in single file.
The Preserve may encompass some of the most desolate and unforgiving lands of the continental United States, and for a passing moment, I could appreciate the lonely job Conductors had, driving their mammoth machines onward through the desert, at all hours, through challenging and extreme environmental conditions. Imaging trains in the Mojave constitutes a privilege, an elusive opportunity to create evocative images in whatever manner my mind could conjure, without fear of being confronted by railroad or local law officials. Respecting the difficulty of their jobs, I let each Conductor know I was in their presence, waving at both idled and passing trains, and rarely, did I not receive the blast of a horn in recognition.
This Exhibition celebrates the lonely passing of trains through the Mojave, leveraging light and long exposures to extract the essence of their passing, ephemeral, local, timeless, nearly instantaneous (to read more about the collection click here).
Rail spikes driven in the distant past serve to hold the golden rails of the Union Pacific Railroad in place, in anticipation of the passage of another train soon.
Conflicting Signals
Railroad signals indicate to enginemen what course of action is required; depending on the track being used, a train will willingly proceed or immediately stop. This train has the okay to proceed westward through the night towards its final destination.
Destination Unknown
Where these rails go is unknown, other than to the west, and the rest is pure speculation.
Flashing Intentions
The End of Train of a slowly passing freight construct signals its presence to any following trains. Its clear message warns, “Come no closer.”
Golden Rails
Reflections of the golden color of a setting sun create an allusion of golden rails. Were the rails in fact made of literal gold, they would have been pilfered long ago by intrepid gold seekers, or, just scofflaws.
Into Blue Hour
a thundering train speeds its way through the gathering darkness of the barren Mojave Desert; blue hour awaits.
Minor Details
Sometimes even the most seemingly insignificant components can have the largest impact on the safety and efficiency of the railroad transportation system. Without these details, the system would surely fail.
Out of the Sunset
Blazing its way eastward, this train carries its assorted freight to points beyond. Night falls soon, hiding the passage of the train eastward.
Passing in the Night
On parallel tracks, these behemoths carefully pass in the night, each focusing on its own destination yet cognizant of the closeness of the opposing construct.
Railing beneath the Milky Way
Seemingly pointing the way for an eastbound freight train, the Milky Way will accompany its travelling souls and various freight until the morning, when the sun takes over this never-ending task.
Rolling Light
A setting sun illuminates parallel tracks beneath a passing train, one stationary and ever-ready to receive another train, the other merely counting the miles to its unknown destination.
Sinusoidal Approach
Lines and shapes and forms can create entirely different narratives than their actual function may portray. The lonely vastness of the desert reveals her secrets only grudgingly, and light and distance may further distort and alter our perception of what we see.
Smooth Moving
The clean lines of this rapidly moving freight train are illuminated by the lights of a train signal. Nothing else exists but rail, and train; all else is ephemeral and hidden in the dark.
Sunset Railing
As another timeless day in the Mojave Desert ends, a freight train emerges out of the setting sun, riding on the golden rails of commerce to destinations somewhere to the east and beyond.
Sunset Reflections
The golden hue of a setting sun mirrors the value of the freight being transported by this construct to the west. What it is, is unknown to all but a few fortunate folks.
Through the Signal
A rapidly moving freight train passes a signalized crossing, motorized vehicles awaiting its departure before they can proceed along their crossing paths.
Triple Stop
The message is clear. Time to stop.