A rising sun shines its early light on slumbering dunes, beckoning the curvy shapes to awake and enjoy in the refreshing light of a new day. Fresh tracks of a dune dweller belie the direction the little resident scampered to remain hidden from prying eyes. A breeze tentatively reaches out to touch the dunes. Birds soar on the breeze. Freshening, the wind picks up, silica grains begin to slowly move down ever-steepening slopes, reshaping the dunes in the never-ending dance pitting wind, gravity and texture as partners. The day continues in and on into infinity; night comes and all quiets down until tomorrow.
This exhibition explores the never-ending dance between the wind, sun and silica grains, often in concert, occasionally at odds, as they play within the Kelso Dunes, one of the Mojave National Preserve’s finest playgrounds (to read more about the collection click here).
The rising sun perfectly back lights the gently textured surfaces of seemingly golden dunes, signifying the start of another day.
Cresting Sun
The cresting sun creates geometric shapes within the undulating curves of the Mojave's isolated dunes.
The brilliance of a rising sun creates a ripple of shadows on this sharply ascending and serrated dune. The rest will be revealed later.
Dune Dominion
Mojave’s majestic dunes tower over the countryside, seemingly looking out and over their subjects, dominion established.
Emerging From the Shadows
Gently curving shapes in silica laden sands of golden dunes change by the minute as the sun crests over the horizon.
Ephemeral Shapes
Never-ending winds remain vigilant to their artistic touch within the ephemeral shapes of the soft sands of Mojave’s dunes.
First Light
First light takes many forms; within Mojave's dunes, that light is golden, unique and cherished.
Golden Blue Respite
A new day brings new opportunities to experience the subtle light, wonderous shapes and the promise of all to come.
Lightly Touched
Nature's wonderous imagination shows how a never-ending source of light, when paired with a never-ending wind, creates a sandy landscape brimming with narrative and mystery.
Linking in the Light
Close yet not touching, these separately lit segments of Mojave’s majestic dunes are on a certain path to linking. What will their shape be then?
Severe winds have their way on the environment and have significantly reshaped and segmented the softly sandy surface of these remote Mojave dunes. Is this a one off or a permanent change?
Silica in the Wind
Throughout nature, the only thing constant in life is change. These seemingly inanimate dunes are experiencing firsthand that saying, that altering of their ‘life.’
Silica Winds on Blue
The patience of a photographic artist is often rewarded, when gusting winds of an early morning lifted sands from Mojave’s Dunes, helped to create environmental conditions that led to this otherworldly image.
The Serrated Edge
the serrated edge of this steeply rising dune ostensibly invites yet concurrently repels; is it worth the danger of finding out what is over the edge?
Massive winds reshape the normally softly curving and placid shapes of this Mojave Desert dune. If the wind does not abate, where will the sand end up?